Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Benefits of Youth Sport Essay - 2219 Words

One thing almost every young child looks forward to is the activity of play. Kids love nothing more than to go outside, run around with friends, and get dirty. If children are already active at a young age, why not encourage them to continue by enrolling them in an organized youth sport program? Young people will gain many positive experiences by participating in organized physical activities, but none as important and influential as the social skills, physical skills, and mental skills developed and nurtured during their time in youth sport. As a result, the young participants can continue to build upon and cultivate these skills which will ultimately be transferred into their development as successful adults. Along with the social and†¦show more content†¦A prosperous restaurant needs greeters, servers, cooks, and so forth, as well as the managers. Their ability to work as a team is crucial to its success. You may not have the same interests or beliefs of those you work wi th, but that cannot stand in the way of carrying out your job. The same principles and strategies are relevant and important in sports, and they can be started and nurtured through involvement in organized youth sports activities. Many youth sports are part of community organized after-school programs. There are many different types of these programs such as T-Ball, Little League Baseball, Pop Warner Football, soccer, martial arts, cheerleading, and so forth. â€Å"There are over 40 million youth participating in organized sports, and both girls and boys have a dazzling array of choices and can play a sport year round† (Le Menestrel and Perkins 13). Communities use youth sport as an outlet to encourage social activity, a healthy lifestyle, and skill development for that particular sport. For example, â€Å"Participation in organized sports can provide opportunities for youth to learn more about specific skills and exercises associated with a particular sport† (Perkins and Noam 76). These programs offer opportunities to boost skills and connect positively with others. Without these activities, parents will have to find another developmental setting that may not give similar or beneficial outcomes as those of organized youth sport. Studies found that, â€Å"SportsShow MoreRelatedBenefits And Benefits Of Youth Sport Essay1393 Words   |  6 Pagesmany benefits to youth sport than just a child’s daily exercise. Along with there being many positives and benefits to youth sport, there are also negatives that can come about. Many of the benefits include physical, psychological, intellectual, and social benefits. Some of the negatives that can occur from youth sport are the possibilities of loss of self-confidence, frustration, burnout, and injuries. 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